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      1 # tmux tricks #1: battery status indicator
      3 [tmux]( is a program that allows
      4 you to create multiple virtual terminals in the same shell and keep
      5 your terminal sessions open even after the shell exits. A common
      6 use case for both of these features is connecting to a remote server:
      7 with *multiplexing* you can use multiple terminals with a single
      8 SSH connection, and the session persistence feature leaves the
      9 remote programs running even when you disconnect from the server.
     10 Having multiple virtual terminals open on the same screen and easily
     11 switching between windows is also useful when working locally.  In
     12 fact, tmux is the first command I use pretty much every time I use
     13 my [netbook](../2022-09-10-netbooks) - even though
     14 [one shell is all I need](../2023-02-25-job-control).
     16 Since tmux is quite a complex program, I never learned the details
     17 of how it works. I learned how to do the couple of things I need,
     18 and use the default settings for everything. But sometimes I do
     19 feel the need to improve my workfow a bit, and what better excuse
     20 for tinkering with a software tool than writing about it?
     22 In this post I have one simple goal: display the battery level in
     23 tmux's status bar. I am going to focus on OpenBSD, because this is
     24 the system where I need this: on my Linux laptop I use my window
     25 manager status bar to display this information, but on my underpowered
     26 OpenBSD laptop I rarely use a graphical environment, and I rely on
     27 tmux as a desktop environment.
     29 ## tmux commands
     31 tmux can be controlled using a variety of key bindings, all prefixed by
     32 a "prefix" key combination, which by default is `Ctrl+B`. For example,
     33 `Ctrl+B C` creates a new window and `Ctrl+B %` splits the screen
     34 vertically.
     36 Each key binding calls a *tmux command*. Not all commands are bound to
     37 a key combination, and there are other ways to call them, including:
     39 * Typing them in the tmux command line, invoked by pressing `Ctrl+B :`.
     40 * Calling them from any shell as `tmux command ...`.
     41 * Adding them to the tmux configuration file (by default `~/.tmux.conf`)
     42   to be called on startup.
     44 ## The tmux status bar
     46 tmux has a status bar, which can be any size between 0 (disabled)
     47 and 5 lines long. The default is 1 line with date, time and hostname
     48 displayed on the right, and some information on the current session
     49 on the left.
     51 My goal is to customize the status indicators on the right. After
     52 consulting the [man page]( for a while,
     53 I figured out that the command I need is:
     55 ```
     56 set status-right "Hello, World!"
     57 ```
     59 To show the output of a command one can use the `#()` notation:
     61 ```
     62 set status-right "#(date +'%H:%M')"
     63 ```
     65 This example is actually a bit redundant, because the string is
     66 passed through [strftime]( before
     67 displaying. So one could simply use `set status-right "%H:%M"` to
     68 specify a date in the HH:MM format.
     70 The status bar by default refreshes (and so re-runs the commands
     71 in `#()`) every 15 seconds, but this can be changed with the
     72 `status-interval` command.
     74 ## Battery information
     76 The next step is getting the battery status from a command. On Linux
     77 I wrote a little [script]( to automate
     78 this, but I don't have one (yet!) for OpenBSD. On this OS, this
     79 information can be retrieved with `apm`:
     81 ```
     82 $ apm
     83 Battery state: high, 91% remaining, 367 minutes life estimate
     84 AC adapter state: not connected
     85 Performance adjustment mode: manual (1000 MHz)
     86 ```
     88 I am only interested in the `91%` part, so I should pass this through `grep`
     90 ```
     91 $ apm | grep -o '[^ ]*%'
     92 91%
     93 ```
     95 This command means "print the strings that consist of a % symbol
     96 preceded by any number of non-space characters". To learn more about
     97 `grep`, check out [my blog post](../2023-08-20-grep).
     99 ## Putting it all together
    101 We can get our status line to show the battery status with this
    102 tmux command:
    104 ```
    105 set status-right "#(apm | grep -o '[^ ]*%%')"
    106 ```
    108 Cool! But did you notice the double `%%`? That's because the string
    109 is formatted with `strftime`, as I mentioned before, so we must
    110 escape the `%`.  Tricky!
    112 ## More status info
    114 We reached our goal, but in doing so we also got rid of all the information
    115 that was already part of the status. I would like to have at least some of
    116 it back.
    118 One way to solve this is to use the `-a` flags for the `set` command,
    119 like this:
    121 ```
    122 set -a status-right " #(apm | grep -o '[^ ]*%%')"
    123 ```
    125 This will append the new string to the current status, instead of
    126 replacing it. Alternatively, we could declare exactly all the stuff
    127 that we want there:
    129 ```
    130 set status-right "#(apm | grep -o '[^ ]*%%') | %Y-%m-%d | %H:%M"
    131 ```
    133 But what if one wants even more information there? I don't want to have
    134 a cluttered status line, but for example being able to see at a glance if
    135 I am connected to wifi or not would be convenient.
    137 A simple solution is writing a shell script that prints out all this
    138 information, save it somewhere in the `$PATH`, and then use
    139 `set status-right "#(status_script)"`. I already have such a script
    140 for Linux, and now I added one for OpenBSD in my
    141 [scripts repository](
    143 ## Configuration file
    145 Finally, we can have our status bar set on startup by adding the
    146 following line to our configuration file:
    148 ```
    149 set -g status-right "#(status_script)"
    150 ```
    152 ...wait a minute, that is the `-g` flag about? Witout it, I get the
    153 following error on startup:
    155 ```
    156 /home/sebastiano/.tmux.conf:1 no current session
    157 ```
    159 Apparently, commands run *without* `-g` only apply to the current
    160 "session", but the configuration file is sourced *before* a session
    161 is created. The `-g` is used to apply this command globally. My
    162 understanding of this is still superficial, but for now I am happy
    163 that the battery status is there.  Maybe I'll learn about sessions
    164 at some point, and I'll write a new blog post about them :)