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      1 # Another C trick: flexible logging with callback functions
      3 Working with C on my personal projects I enjoy complete freedom: I
      4 don't have to follow existing conventions, I don't have to bend my
      5 code to fit into an existing codebase, I can re-organize the program's
      6 structure whenever I feel like. On the other hand, I don't get to
      7 learn well-known good practices that were invented by whose who
      8 beat their heads against the wall before me.
     10 Sometimes, through a lot of wall-headbanging, I get to re-invent
     11 these good practices by myself. Some time ago I wrote about
     12 [using macros to make functions testable](../2023-11-14-test-visibility-c-macro).
     13 Now it is time for another trick: using a
     14 [callback function](
     15 for logging!
     17 ## The problem
     19 I am working on a new version of [nissy](,
     20 a Rubik's cube solver with some extra functionalities that I and a
     21 few others use. The code is public but I won't link it here for
     22 now; it is not ready and many things will likely change by the time
     23 you read this post.
     25 One thing I decided to do was organizing the code as a library that
     26 can be used by other programs to provide user-facing functionalities.
     27 In other words, the main code does not have a `main()` function.
     28 Other programs that use this code as a library include or may include
     29 in the future:
     31 * A testing utility / framework
     32 * A command line interface
     33 * A graphical interface (tentative)
     35 As a consequence, the library itself should avoid using standard
     36 input and output - that would be fine for the CLI interface, but
     37 useless for the GUI. All the necessary information is exchanged
     38 between the library and the client code via function return values
     39 and parameters, including `char *` buffers for text output.
     40 This also means I can get rid of `stdio.h` from my library code.
     42 However, sometimes it is useful to see some logging info, especially
     43 when debugging. For this reason, I have hidden an `#include <stdio.h>`
     44 behind the compile-time option `#ifdef DEBUG`.
     46 This means so far I could only see log information when building
     47 in debug mode. But I have recently realized that this is too limiting:
     48 even in the user-facing version of this program, long-running queries
     49 could benefit from more frequent output before the response has been
     50 calculated. But how can I do this without using `stdio`?
     52 ## Brainstorming
     54 Problem solving is full of dead ends and wasted brain-cycles.  Before
     55 I present to you the clever solution I found like I am some kind
     56 of coding guru, let's see some of the bad ideas that I came up with
     57 and discarded.
     59 ### More macros
     61 If I can hide debug logging behind a compile-time macro, why not
     62 doing it for logging in general? I could split up the logging from
     63 the other debug stuff and let the programmer (i.e. me) choose at
     64 build time whether to have logs or not.
     66 But this is not great. First of all, I don't like the idea of making
     67 the build system more complex, I think it makes the code less
     68 portable.  Secondly, it is less flexible, because it limits the
     69 options to what I decide right now. Of course I could add more stuff
     70 later as needed, but this implies more coupling between the library
     71 and the client.
     73 ### Use `char *` buffers
     75 Since some information is exchanged via `char *` output parameters,
     76 the same could be done for logging information. This is very flexible,
     77 because it allows the caller to do whatever they want with the log
     78 output. But passing a "log buffer" parameter to every function call,
     79 which is likely to be the same for the whole program, is annoying
     80 and feels redundant. Moreover, reading this information off the the
     81 buffer in real time is very complicated.
     83 ### Custom `FILE *` stream
     85 If I log the information to
     86 [standard error]( using
     87 `fprintf(stderr, ...)`, perhaps replacing `stderr` with a custom
     88 `FILE *` object could do the trick. It limits the log messages to
     89 be written to a file, but in the UNIX world *almost* everything
     90 is a file. This trick may not be the most portable, but it is
     91 certainly quite flexible.
     93 But how would the programmer set this custom stream? There must be
     94 a way to do it with macros, but then we have the same problems of
     95 the first idea. Alternatively, I could define a global `FILE *`
     96 variable and add to my interface to let the caller set this variable...
     98 And this brought me to the final idea: if I can set a global variable
     99 via a function call, why not make this variable a pointer to a
    100 function?
    102 ## The solution
    104 The solution I settled for is the following.
    106 In the main source file `mylib.c` I define a global function pointer
    108 ```
    109 void (*mylib_log)(const char *, ...);
    110 ```
    112 This pointer will be used to call the function that prints the log.
    113 By default it is unset (NULL), which I choose to interpret as "no
    114 logs should be printed".  I used the dots `...` because I wanted
    115 this function to be
    116 [variadic](, just
    117 like the classic `printf()`.
    119 After this declaration I have some wrapper code that checks if the
    120 logger function is set before calling it:
    122 ```
    123 #define LOG(...) if (mylib_log != NULL) mylib_log(__VA_ARGS__);
    124 ```
    126 The macro above uses `__VA_ARGS__` to refer to the list of arguments
    127 denoted by the three dots. Now to show a log message I can do:
    129 ```
    130 void do_thing(int a, int b) {
    131 	int x = compute(a, b);
    133 	LOG("Computed value %d\n", x)
    135 	return x;
    136 }
    137 ```
    139 Finally, there is a public function that lets the user of the
    140 library set the logger function:
    142 ```
    143 void mylib_setlogger(void (*f)(const char *, ...)) {
    144 	mylib_log = f;
    145 }
    146 ```
    148 And that's it! Using this setup is pretty simple. For example, for my unit
    149 tests I have something like this:
    151 ```
    152 #include <stdarg.h> /* For va_list and related functions */
    154 void log_stderr(const char *str, ...)
    155 {
    156 	va_list args;
    158 	va_start(args, str);
    159 	vfprintf(stderr, str, args);
    160 	va_end(args);
    161 }
    163 int main(void) {
    164 	mylib_setlogger(log_stderr);
    165 	run_test();
    166 	return 0;
    167 }
    168 ```
    170 The function `vfprintf()` is a version of `fprintf()` that takes a
    171 [`va_list`](
    172 argument instead of an old-style parameter list. This is the
    173 standard way to pass on variadic function arguments, as far as I
    174 know. In case you did not know, `fprintf()` is a version of
    175 `printf()` that prints to a given stream - in this case, `stderr`.
    177 Now if I ever get to implementing a GUI, all I have to do to show
    178 `mylib`'s logs is implementing a function `log_to_gui()` that shows
    179 the given text somewhere, and call a `mylib_setlogger(log_to_gui)`
    180 at the start of the program. Neat!
    182 ## Conclusion
    184 When I code for fun, I definitely enjoy coming up with my own
    185 solution for problems like this, even if the solution already exists
    186 somewhere.  I also think that re-inventing standard practices like
    187 this is making me a better programmer, because after struggling
    188 with it myself I understand the practices better and I appreciate
    189 them more.
    191 This time in particular I learnt how to implement variadic functions,
    192 and a bit of their
    193 [history](
    194 I am still not sure if this will work well when I end up using
    195 this library in a non-C project.  Is it even possible to call C
    196 variadic functions from other languages?  Will I have to provide a
    197 logger that takes a `va_list` instead? I guess I'll find out!