commit 4e06fe16c1a054dbbd981dc8b27e61a4cdb0cb10
parent d8debb57ee6d18761ab170521b135337060f5b19
Author: Sebastiano Tronto <>
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2019 11:27:53 +0200
Added script to github
A | kummer_degree.sage | | | 825 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
1 file changed, 825 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/kummer_degree.sage b/kummer_degree.sage
@@ -0,0 +1,825 @@
+# Computes the "adelic Kummer failure", i.e. the degrees of the intersection
+# of the the Kummer extension Q(\sqrt{2^n}{G}) with the M-th cyclotomic field
+# over Q_{2^n}.
+# Input: a good basis B for the torsion-free group G, organized as a list of
+# lists, and a non negative integer d. They have to satisfy the following:
+# 1. Each list B[i] contains all basis elements of 2-divisibility i.
+# 2. The basis given by B is 2-maximal, that is to say it satisfies Theorem 14
+# of Debry-Perucca; i.e. each element of B[i] is, up to plus or minus 1, the
+# 2^i-th power of a strongly 2-indivisible rational.
+# 3. For i != d every element of B[i] is positive, and B[d][0] is the only
+# negative element of B[d] (if d=-1, then there is no negative element).
+# 3'. Notice that the existence on negative elements in B[0] does not influence
+# the correctness of the algorithm; in fact, the function adjust_sign
+# produces a basis that may have negative elements of divisibility 0, and
+# this basis is given as input for adelic_failure_gb.
+# Output: a table ad_fail as described below. Call M0 the smallest positive
+# integer such that the intersection of Q(\sqrt{2^n}{G}) with Q_\infty is
+# contained in Q_M0.
+# The table ad_fail has N rows, where N is defined below.
+# Each row R=ad_fail[i] contains a variable number of pairs (d,r), where d is a
+# divisor of M0 and r is the degree of Q(\sqrt{2^{i+1}}{G}) \cap Q_d over
+# Q_{2^n}.
+# Each divisor of M appears at most once on each row, and the last element of
+# the last row is of the form (M0,r0).
+def adelic_failure_gb( B, d ):
+ # The table to be returned (or printed at the end), as described above.
+ ad_fail = []
+ # N is such that for every n > N the adelic failure of Q(\sqrt{2^n}{G}) is
+ # the same as that of Q(\sqrt{2^N}{G}).
+ # We always have to include n=3, because of problem with sqrt(2) in Q_8 (in
+ # theory, this is not necessary in some cases, e.g. if 2 does not divide
+ # any element of G).
+ # If the negative generator is on the last level, we need to increase N by
+ # 1, because it would contribute to the shortlist in the next level (by
+ # taking the root of an even power).
+ if d == len(B)-1:
+ N = max(3,len(B)+1)
+ else:
+ N = max(3,len(B))
+ # The intersection is given by adding the square roots of the elements of
+ # this shortlist (and a "special element", not always of the form sqrt(d),
+ # coming from taking a suitable root of a negative generator; this special
+ # element is dealt with later). The shortlist grows at each step, so we
+ # declare it before starting to loop over n and we build it incrementally.
+ # The "special element" is of the form \zeta_{2^n}\sqrt{b}, which we encode
+ # as (n,b). We use the value (1,1) (special element -1) to say that there
+ # isno special element at this level.
+ shortlist = []
+ special_element = (1,1)
+ # The integers M, giving the smallest cyclotomic field in which lies the
+ # whole intersection with Q_\infty, also grows with n. As with the
+ # shortlist, we declare it here and increase it appropriately at each step.
+ M = 1
+ for n in range( 1, N+1 ): # 1 \leq n \leq N
+ # We add the new elements to the shortlist, modifying M if needed.
+ # This is not done in case we are in the extra "fake" level (this case
+ # dealt with immediately below).
+ if n-1 < len(B):
+ for g in B[n-1]:
+ # Case of negative g
+ if g < 0 and n > 1:
+ # Special element of the form \zeta_{2^{n+1}}\sqrt(b).
+ # It is contained in Q_{lcm(2^{n+1},cyc_emb(b))}, except in
+ # case n=2 and b=2, in which case it is contained in Q_4.
+ # We store it as as pair ( n+1, b ).
+ special_element = ( n+1, abs(g)^(1/(2^(n-1))) )
+ M = lcm( M, special_embed( special_element ) )
+ else:
+ b = g^(1/(2^(n-1))) # b is 2-indivisible
+ shortlist.append( b )
+ M = lcm( M, cyc_embed(b) )
+ # We add a root of an even power of the negative generator, as soon as
+ # we are beyond its level.
+ if d != -1 and n == d+2:
+ b = abs(B[d][0])^(1/2^d)
+ shortlist.append( b )
+ M = lcm( M, cyc_embed(b) )
+ M = lcm(M,2^n)
+ # Here we account for the extra 2^{n+1} root of unity (in case the
+ # negative element has enough divisibility).
+ if n <= d:
+ M = lcm( M, 2^(n+1) )
+ # We have to add -1 to the shortlist (see example [12,36]) and
+ # remove it later.
+ if n == 1 and d >= 1:
+ shortlist.append(-1)
+ if n > 1 and -1 in shortlist:
+ shortlist.remove(-1)
+ # For each divisor dM of M, compute the degree of the intersection of
+ # Q(\sqrt{2^n}{G}) with Q_dM over Q_{2^n}. We need to compute the
+ # number r of elements in the subgroup of G generated by the shortlist
+ # that lie in Q_dM. This is going to be a power of 2. The sought degree
+ # will be r, up to considering some special cases (described below).
+ #
+ # This algorithm could be inefficient for groups of big rank. It can be
+ # improved by precomputing subgroups of G/G^2 and the cyclotomic fields
+ # containing them.
+ aux = [] # Next line of ad_fail table
+ for dM in divisors( M ):
+ # We only care of the intersection with Q_dM if it contains the 2^n
+ # roots of unity.
+ if dM % (2^n) != 0:
+ continue
+ # The following line gives, without repetitions, the list of m's
+ # such that that some element in the subgroup of G generated by
+ # the shortlist embeds in Q_m.
+ S = [ product(s) for s in subsets( shortlist ) ]
+ H = [ cyc_embed( s ) for s in S ]
+ r = len( [ b for b in H if dM % b == 0 ] )
+ # We double n in case a new roots of unity enters the cyclotomic
+ # due to the negative negerator. In case n=1, this is accounted
+ # by having -1 in the shortlist.
+ if n <= d and dM % (2^(n+1)) == 0 and n > 1:
+ r *= 2
+ # We loose a factor of 2 if we have sqrt(2) in Q_8 or \zeta_8 2 in
+ # Q_4.
+ if 8 in H and dM % 8 == 0 and (n >= 3 or (n == 2 and n <= d)):
+ r = r/2
+ # If we have a special element in this level, we consider it.
+ # We have to consider all possible special elements arising from
+ # multiplying the given element with the other elements of the
+ # shortlist.
+ # If any of them is of the form \zeta_8 2q for q a square, there is
+ # nothing to do: in fact \zeta_8 2 embeds in Q_4, which coincides
+ # with Q_{2^n} (n must be 2); so we would double the degree because
+ # of the existence of the special element, butthen we would loose
+ # another factor of 2 because of this.
+ if special_element != (1,1) and special_element[0] == n+1:
+ nothing_to_do = False
+ intersecting_QdM = False
+ for s in S:
+ new_special = ( n+1, special_element[1] * s )
+ m = special_embed( new_special )
+ if n == 2 and m == 4: # \zeta_8 times 2 times square
+ nothing_to_do = True
+ if dM % m == 0:
+ intersecting_QdM = True
+ if intersecting_QdM and not nothing_to_do:
+ r *= 2
+ aux.append( (dM,r) )
+ ad_fail.append(aux)
+ return ad_fail
+# Returns the smallest m such that \sqrt(b) is in the m-th cyclotomic field.
+def cyc_embed( b ):
+ m = squarefree_part(b)
+ if m%4 != 1:
+ m *= 4
+ return abs(m)
+# Computes the minimal cyclotomic field containing \zeta_{2^n}\sqrt(b).
+def special_embed( (n,b) ):
+ m = squarefree_part(b)
+ if n == 3 and m % 2 == 0:
+ return 4 * cyc_embed(m/2)
+ else:
+ return lcm( 2^n, cyc_embed(b) )
+# Computes the "l-adic failure", i.e. the ratio between l^{nr} and the degree
+# of Q_{l^m}(\sqrt[2^n](G)) over Q_{l^m} for all possible l.
+# Input: any basis for G
+# Returns a pair (L,T) where:
+# - L is a list of primes l that do not have maximal l-adic part
+# - T is an array of tables, where T[i][m][n] is the l-valuation of the
+# degree of Q_{l^m,l^n} over Q_{l^m}, where l = L[i]
+def total_l_adic_failure( B ):
+ bp = bad_primes( B )
+ ret = ( bp, [] )
+ for l in bp:
+ ret[1].append( l_adic_failure( B, l ) )
+ return ret
+# Computes the "bad primes", i.e. the ones for which the l-adic part is not
+# maximal. Used by l_adic_degree and total_l_adic_failure.
+def bad_primes( B ):
+ M = exponent_matrix( B )
+ (a,b) = M.dimensions()
+ if a > b or M.rank() < a:
+ print "This is not a basis"
+ return
+ # Compute which primes l divide all minors of the exponent matrix
+ ms = M.minors( a )
+ d = ms[0]
+ for m in ms:
+ d = gcd( d, m )
+ bad_primes = list( prime_factors( d ) )
+ if 2 not in bad_primes:
+ bad_primes += [2] # 2 is always bad
+ bad_primes.sort() # Ensures 2 is always first
+ return bad_primes
+# Computes the l-adic failure for a specific l. Returns a "table" as described
+# above "total_l_adic_failure".
+# B is any basis for G.
+def l_adic_failure( B, l ):
+ r = len(B)
+ GB = make_good_basis( B, l )
+ # Computes the parameters over Q4. For l odd, they are the same as over Q.
+ p = parameters_Q4( GB, l )
+ maxM = max( [ sum(x) for x in p ] )
+ maxN = max( maxM, len(GB)-1 )
+ maxM = max( 1, maxM )
+ if l == 2:
+ maxM = max( 2, maxM ) # For computing parameters over Q4
+ maxN = max( 1, maxN )
+ tabel = []
+ max_failure = 0
+ for m in range( 1, maxM+1 ):
+ row = []
+ for n in range( 1, max( m+1, maxN ) ):
+ vl = -1
+ if m >= n:
+ if l==2 and n==1 and m==1:
+ vl = compute_vl( p, 1, 2, r )
+ if adjust_sign( GB )[1] >= 1:
+ vl += 1
+ else:
+ vl = compute_vl( p, n, m, r )
+ failure = r*n - vl
+ row.append(vl)
+ max_failure = max( max_failure, failure )
+ tabel.append((row,max_failure))
+ return tabel
+# Returns a power of l that is the l-adic failure at M, N.
+# tablel must be the output table of l_adic_failure.
+def l_adic_failure_from_data( B, l, tablel, M, N ):
+ m = valuation( M, l )
+ n = valuation( N, l )
+ if m < n:
+ # inconsistent choice of M and N
+ return 0
+ if n == 0:
+ return 1
+ r = len(B)
+ # Basically, the "dual" of what we do in l_adic_degree.
+ if m > len(tablel):
+ if n > len(tablel):
+ return l^tablel[-1][1]
+ else:
+ return l^(r*n-tablel[-1][0][n-1])
+ return l^(r*n-tablel[m-1][0][n-1])
+# Computes the l-divisibility parameters of G over Q4, given a good basis b
+# over Q for G. Returns a list of pairs (di,hi).
+# If l is odd it just uses the good basis given to compute the parameters.
+def parameters_Q4( gb, l ):
+ # Converts from "good basis format" to simple list
+ b = []
+ for x in gb:
+ b += x
+ ret = []
+ if l != 2:
+ for i in range( len( gb ) ):
+ for j in gb[i]:
+ ret.append( (i,0) )
+ return ret
+ else:
+ R.<y> = PolynomialRing( QQ )
+ pol = R(y^2+1)
+ Q4.<eye> = NumberField( pol ) # I already use i for other things
+ # Factorize basis elements over Q4 and so on.
+ d = []
+ B = []
+ h = []
+ ideals_list = set()
+ M = [] # Exponent matrix of the Bi's
+ # Pre-process to find all ideals appearing in the factorization and fix
+ # a chosen generator for each of them. This is important in order to
+ # compute the "sign" (h-parameter) of an element with respect to it Bi.
+ for g in b:
+ factorization_list = list( Q4.ideal(g).factor() )
+ ideals_list |= set( [ x[0] for x in factorization_list ] )
+ ideals_list = list( ideals_list )
+ # Chooses a generator of each principal ideal in the list
+ irreducibles_list = [ J.gens_reduced()[0] for J in ideals_list ]
+ # Compute the Q4-parameters of the given basis b. Also computes the
+ # exponent matrix of the Bi's
+ for g in b:
+ factorization_list = list( Q4.ideal(g).factor() )
+ exps = [ x[1] for x in factorization_list ]
+ d.append( divisibility( exps, l ) )
+ Bg = 1
+ for j in range(len(factorization_list)):
+ a = 0
+ for i in range( len( ideals_list ) ):
+ if ideals_list[i] == factorization_list[j][0]:
+ a = irreducibles_list[i]
+ break
+ Bg *= a ^ (exps[j]/(l^d[-1]))
+ B.append(Bg)
+ u = g / (Bg^(l^d[-1]))
+ if not u.is_unit():
+ print "Error: g is not the right power of the computed Bg."
+ print "g:", g, ", Bg:", Bg, ", exponent:", l^d[-1]
+ if u == 1:
+ h.append( 0 )
+ elif u == -1:
+ h.append( 1 )
+ else:
+ h.append( 2 )
+ # Make the exponent matrix M (for now as a list of rows)
+ for g in B:
+ row = [0] * len(ideals_list)
+ for i in range(len(ideals_list)):
+ I = ideals_list[i]
+ ee = 1
+ while (I^ee).divides(g):
+ ee += 1
+ row[i] = ee-1
+ M.append(row)
+ # If the Bi's are not strongly independent, apply the algorithm (only
+ # once) to produce a new basis. The new basis has maximal parameters.
+ coeffs = find_combination( matrix(M), l )
+ if coeffs != []:
+ maxi = -1
+ maxd = -1
+ for i in range(len(d)):
+ if d[i] > maxd and coeffs[i] != 0:
+ maxd = d[i]
+ maxi = i
+ x = [(a/coeffs[maxi]).lift() for a in coeffs] # Now a vector of int
+ new_element = 1
+ for i in range(len(d)):
+ new_element *= b[i]^( x[i] * l^(d[maxi]-d[i]) )
+ b[maxi] = new_element
+ # Compute new B, d and so on.
+ factorization_list = list( Q4.ideal(b[maxi]).factor() )
+ exps = [ x[1] for x in factorization_list ]
+ d[maxi] = divisibility( exps, l )
+ Bg = 1
+ for j in range(len(factorization_list)):
+ a = 0
+ for i in range( len( ideals_list ) ):
+ if ideals_list[i] == factorization_list[j][0]:
+ a = irreducibles_list[i]
+ break
+ Bg *= a ^ (exps[j]/(l^d[maxi]))
+ B[maxi] = Bg
+ M[maxi] = [ x[1] for x in list( Q4.ideal(Bg).factor() ) ]
+ u = b[maxi] / (Bg^(l^d[maxi]))
+ if not u.is_unit():
+ print "Error: new element is not the right power of B."
+ print "New el.:", b[maxi], ", B:", Bg, ", exponent:", l^d[maxi]
+ if u == 1:
+ h[maxi] = 0
+ elif u == -1:
+ h[maxi] = 1
+ else:
+ h[maxi] = 2
+ return [(d[i],h[i]) for i in range(len(d))]
+# Uses Theorem 18 to compute the degree of Kummer extensions.
+def compute_vl( p, n, m, r ):
+ h = [ x[1] for x in p ]
+ ni = [ min( n, x[0] ) for x in p ]
+ M = max( m, max( [ h[i] + ni[i] for i in range( len( p ) ) ] ) )
+ return M - m + r*n - sum( ni )
+# Given any basis b of a group G computes an l-good basis for G. This is done
+# using the algorithm outlined in the proof of Theorem 14 of (Debry-Perucca).
+def make_good_basis( b, l ):
+ M = exponent_matrix( b )
+ d = []
+ B = []
+ for i in range(len(b)):
+ di = divisibility( M[i], l )
+ d.append( di )
+ B.append( abs(b[i])^(1/(l^di)) )
+ # Computes the coeffiecients of a linear combination of the rows of M
+ # that is zero modulo l. These coefficients are elements of F_l.
+ coeffs = find_combination( exponent_matrix( B ), l )
+ while coeffs != []:
+ # Computes which basis element (with non-zero coefficient in the linear
+ # combination above) has maximal divisibility.
+ maxi = -1
+ maxd = -1
+ for i in range(len(d)):
+ if d[i] > maxd and coeffs[i] != 0:
+ maxd = d[i]
+ maxi = i
+ x = [ (a/coeffs[maxi]).lift() for a in coeffs ] # Now a vector of ints
+ new_element = 1
+ for i in range(len(d)):
+ new_element *= b[i]^( x[i] * l^(d[maxi]-d[i]) )
+ b[maxi] = new_element
+ M = exponent_matrix( b )
+ d[maxi] = divisibility( M[maxi], l )
+ B[maxi] = abs(b[maxi])^(1/(l^d[maxi]))
+ coeffs = find_combination( exponent_matrix( B ), l )
+ GB = [[]]
+ for i in range(len(d)):
+ while( len(GB) <= d[i] ):
+ GB.append([])
+ GB[d[i]].append(b[i])
+ return GB
+# Takes a good basis B and adjusts the sign of the elements so that there is at
+# most one negative generator (of positive divisibility). The input is a good
+# basis in the format returned by make_good_basis.
+# Returns a pair (B,d), where B is the updated basis and d is the divisibility
+# parameter of the only negative element remained.
+# The sign of the d=0 elements is just ignored in the other steps of the
+# algorithm, so we keep them negative.
+def adjust_sign( B ):
+ neg = 0
+ dret = -1
+ for d in range( len(B)-1, 0, -1 ):
+ for i in range(len(B[d])):
+ if B[d][i] < 0:
+ if neg == 0:
+ neg = B[d][i]
+ dret = d
+ else:
+ B[d][i] *= neg
+ return (B,dret)
+# Given the exponent matrix M of a list of rational numbers B, returns the
+# coefficients of a linear combination that is weakly l-divisible, or [] if
+# the B[i] are strongly l-independent.
+def find_combination( M, l ):
+ M = M.change_ring( GF( l ) )
+ if M.rank() != min( M.dimensions() ):
+ return M.kernel().basis()[0]
+ else:
+ return []
+# A rational number must be given as a list of exponents of primes in its
+# factorization.
+# Returns the minimal l-valuation of the exponents.
+def divisibility( A, l ):
+ if len(A) == 0:
+ print "Warning: computing the divisibility of a torsion element.",
+ print "Returning +Infinity."
+ return +Infinity
+ return min( [ valuation( x, l ) for x in A ] )
+# For a given set of non-zero rationals B, computes the "exponent matrix"
+def exponent_matrix( B ):
+ prime_list = set()
+ for g in B:
+ prime_list |= set( prime_factors( g ) )
+ prime_list = list( prime_list )
+ np = len( prime_list )
+ rows = []
+ for g in B:
+ rowg = [0] * np
+ for f in list( factor( g ) ):
+ for i in range( np ):
+ if f[0] == prime_list[i]:
+ rowg[i] = f[1]
+ rows.append( rowg )
+ return matrix( rows )
+# Computing the exponent matrix, but keeping an extra column for the signs.
+# Returns a pair (M,L) where M is the modified exponent matrix and L is the
+# list of primes appearing in the factorization.
+def exponent_matrix_with_sign_and_primes( B ):
+ prime_list = set()
+ for g in B:
+ prime_list |= set( prime_factors( g ) )
+ prime_list = list( prime_list )
+ np = len( prime_list )
+ rows = []
+ for g in B:
+ rowg = [0] * np
+ for f in list( factor( g ) ):
+ for i in range( np ):
+ if f[0] == prime_list[i]:
+ rowg[i] = f[1]
+ s = 0
+ if sgn(g) == -1:
+ s = 1
+ rowg.append( s )
+ rows.append( rowg )
+ return ( matrix( rows ), prime_list )
+# This is a wrapper function for total_kummer_failure( G, True ), see below.
+def TotalKummerFailure( G ):
+ total_kummer_failure( G, True )
+# Input: any set of generators for a subgroup G of Q*.
+# If output=False, returns a 4-uple (t,MM,NN,D):
+# - t is a pair, where t[0] is the rank of G and t[1] is either True (if G has
+# torsion) or False (is it does not).
+# - MM is the pair (M0,divisors(M0))
+# - NN is the pair (N0,divisors(N0))
+# - D is a table F, where F[j][i] is the ration between phi(m)n^r and the
+# degree of Q_{m,n} (i.e., the Kummer failure at m,n, where m is the i-th
+# divisor of M0 and n is the j-th divisor of N0 (in the computed list))
+# computed for a torsion-free part of G.
+# If output is True, outputs this data in a human-readable way and does not
+# return any value.
+def total_kummer_failure( G, output ):
+ # Computing a basis.
+ (BM,BM_primes) = exponent_matrix_with_sign_and_primes( G )
+ BM = BM.echelon_form()
+ BM_primes.append(-1)
+ B = []
+ torsion = False
+ for r in BM.rows():
+ gr = product( [ BM_primes[i]^r[i] for i in range(len(r)) ] )
+ if gr == -1:
+ torsion = True
+ break
+ elif gr == 1:
+ break
+ else:
+ B.append(gr)
+ if len(B) == 0:
+ print "G is torsion. The extension is cyclotomic. Stopping."
+ return False
+ r = len(B) # Rank of G
+ # Compute l-adic data (straightforward)
+ ( bad_primes, l_adic_failure_table ) = total_l_adic_failure( B )
+ # Compute adelic data.
+ (GB,d) = adjust_sign( make_good_basis( B, 2 ) )
+ adelic_failure_table = adelic_failure_gb( GB, d )
+ # Computing the bounds M0 and N0
+ N0 = 1
+ for i in range(len( bad_primes )):
+ N0 *= bad_primes[i] ^ len( l_adic_failure_table[i][-1][0] )
+ # Extra factors of 2 may come from the adelic failure
+ N0 = lcm( N0, 2^len( adelic_failure_table ) )
+ divs_N0 = divisors(N0)
+ # greatest M appearing in the adelic failure table
+ M0 = adelic_failure_table[-1][-1][0]
+ divs_M0 = divisors(M0)
+ # Failure Table
+ FT = [ [ 1 for d1 in divisors(M0) ] for d2 in divisors(N0) ]
+ # Takes the adelic failure from the the relative table
+ for i in range(1,len(adelic_failure_table)+1):
+ for pp in adelic_failure_table[i-1]:
+ # Runs through all divisors of M0 and N0 that may have this
+ # failure (the table is not "complete").
+ for l in range(len(divs_M0)):
+ for j in range(len(divs_N0)):
+ dM = divs_M0[l]
+ dN = divs_N0[j]
+ if dN%(2^i)==0:
+ if dN%(2^(i+1))!=0 or i==len(adelic_failure_table):
+ if dM % pp[0] == 0:
+ FT[j][l] = lcm( FT[j][l], pp[1] )
+ # Adding l-adic failure to the table
+ for i in range( len( bad_primes ) ):
+ l = bad_primes[i]
+ for j in range(len(divs_N0)):
+ dN = divs_N0[j]
+ fl = l_adic_failure_from_data(B,l,l_adic_failure_table[i],dN,dN)
+ for h in range(len(divs_M0)):
+ FT[j][h] *= fl
+ ret = ( ( r, torsion ), ( M0, divs_M0 ), ( N0, divs_N0 ), FT )
+ if output:
+ print_total_table( ret )
+ # Uncomment following line for case list description.
+ #print_case_list( ret )
+ return
+ else:
+ return ret
+# For the torsion tables, recall that when -1 is in G, the failure is defined
+# as the ration between 2^eN^r and the degree of Q_{M,N} over Q_M, where e=1
+# if N is even and e=0 otherwise.
+# Makes the failure table for the torsion case when M/N is even. In this case,
+# an entry of the table is doubled if the corresponding value of N (actually,
+# of gcd(N,N0) ) is even, and is kept the same otherwise.
+# The expected degree (over Q) 2^e * phi(M) * N^r, where e=1 if N is even and
+# e=0 otherwise.
+def torsion_table_even( data ):
+ ( ( r, torsion ), ( M0, divs_M0 ), ( N0, divs_N0 ), FT ) = data
+ new_FT = [ [ 1 for d1 in divs_M0 ] for d2 in divs_N0 ]
+ for i in range(len(divs_N0)):
+ for j in range(len(divs_M0)):
+ if divs_N0[i] % 2 == 0:
+ new_FT[i][j] = 2 * FT[i][j]
+ return new_FT
+# Makes the failure table for the torsion case when M/N is odd. In this case
+# the entry at (M,N) is taken from the torsion-free entry at (2M,N).
+# In other words, the expected degree (over Q) 2^e * phi(M) * N^r, where e=1 if
+# N is even and e=0 otherwise.
+def torsion_table_odd( data ):
+ ( ( r, torsion ), ( M0, divs_M0 ), ( N0, divs_N0 ), FT ) = data
+ new_FT = [ [ 1 for d1 in divs_M0 ] for d2 in divs_N0 ]
+ new_data = ( ( r, False ), ( M0, divs_M0 ), ( N0, divs_N0 ), FT )
+ for i in range(len(divs_N0)):
+ for j in range(len(divs_M0)):
+ dN = divs_N0[i]
+ dM = divs_M0[j]
+ # The following lines just copy the failure from (2M,N) in the
+ # torsion-free case. It is easier to write it like this, although
+ # it is not necessary in theory to compute the degree.
+ exp_deg = euler_phi(2*dM) * dN^r
+ deg = kummer_degree_from_total_table( 2*dM, dN, new_data )
+ new_FT[i][j] = exp_deg / deg
+ return new_FT
+def print_total_table( data ):
+ ( ( r, torsion ), ( M0, divs_M0 ), ( N0, divs_N0 ), FT ) = data
+ print "M_0 =", M0
+ print "N_0 =", N0
+ print ""
+ print "The following table shows the total failure of Kummer degrees",
+ if torsion:
+ print "in\n case the quotient M/N is EVEN."
+ else:
+ print "."
+ print "Columns correspond to values of M, rows to values of N"
+ print ""
+ print "The degree of the Kummer extension (M,N) can be extracted by taking"
+ print "the value f (failure) of the entry at (gcd(N,N0),gcd(M,M0)) and"
+ print "simply computing ed(M,N) / f, where ed(M,N) is the expected degree"
+ print "of the Kummer extension."
+ if torsion:
+ print "In this case (-1 is in G), we have ed(M,N) = 2^e*phi(M)*N^r,"
+ print "where e=1 if N is even and e=0 if N is odd."
+ FT1 = torsion_table_even( data )
+ else:
+ print "In this case (G is torsion-free) we have ed(M,N) = phi(M)*N^r,"
+ FT1 = FT
+ print "where r is the rank of G."
+ print ""
+ tt = [ ["","|"] + divs_M0 ]
+ tt.append( "-" * (len(divs_M0)+2) )
+ for i in range(len(divs_N0)):
+ tt.append( [ divs_N0[i] ] + ["|"] + FT1[i] )
+ print table(tt)
+ print ""
+ if torsion:
+ print "The following table shows the total failure of Kummer degrees in"
+ print "case the quotient M/N is ODD."
+ print "This table can be read exactly as the first one."
+ print ""
+ # A good strategy is the following:
+ # A little translation exercise: the failure at (M,N) in the torsion
+ # case is either the same as that for (2M,N) in the torsion-free case
+ # (if M is even) or its double (if M is odd).
+ # However, due to problems in reading the table for bigger M, it is
+ # easier to just compute the degree every time, and then deduce the
+ # failure. This is not too inefficient, since we can use the data that
+ # we have already computed via kummer_degree_from_total_table.
+ new_FT = torsion_table_odd( data )
+ # Printing the new table
+ tt = [ ["","|"] + divs_M0 ]
+ tt.append( "-" * (len(divs_M0)+2) )
+ for i in range(len(divs_N0)):
+ tt.append( [ divs_N0[i] ] + ["|"] + new_FT[i] )
+ print table(tt)
+ print ""
+def print_case_list( data ):
+ ( ( r, torsion ), ( M0, divs_M0 ), ( N0, divs_N0 ), FT ) = data
+ FT_odd = torsion_table_odd( data )
+ # FT1 is either FT or FT_even in the torsion case
+ FT1 = FT
+ if torsion:
+ FT1 = torsion_table_even( data )
+ pf = []
+ for row in FT1:
+ pf += row
+ if torsion:
+ for row in FT_odd:
+ pf += row
+ pf = list(set(pf))
+ pf.sort()
+ for f in pf:
+ print "Failure is", f, "if",
+ if torsion:
+ print "M/N is EVEN and",
+ print "(gcd(M,M0),gcd(N,N0)) is one of the following:"
+ lijst = []
+ for i in range(len(divs_N0)):
+ for j in range(len(divs_M0)):
+ if FT1[i][j] == f:
+ lijst.append( ( divs_M0[j], divs_N0[i] ) )
+ print lijst
+ if torsion:
+ print "or if M/N is ODD and (gcd(M,M0)),gcd(N,N0)) is one of the",
+ print "following:"
+ lijst_odd = []
+ for i in range(len(divs_N0)):
+ for j in range(len(divs_M0)):
+ if FT_odd[i][j] == f:
+ lijst_odd.append( ( divs_M0[j], divs_N0[i] ) )
+ print lijst_odd
+ print ""
+# Extracts a specific value of failure from the total table.
+def kummer_failure_from_total_table( M, N, data ):
+ ( ( r, torsion ), ( M0, divs_M0 ), ( N0, divs_N0 ), FT ) = data
+ FT1 = FT
+ if torsion:
+ if (M/N) % 2 == 0:
+ FT1 = torsion_table_even( data )
+ else:
+ FT1 = torsion_table_odd( data )
+ i = divs_N0.index( gcd( N, N0 ) )
+ j = divs_M0.index( gcd( M, M0 ) )
+ return FT1[i][j]
+# Computes the degree of the Kummer extension (M,N), by taking as input the
+# table computed by TotalKummerFailure.
+def kummer_degree_from_total_table( M, N, data ):
+ ( ( r, torsion ), ( M0, divs_M0 ), ( N0, divs_N0 ), FT ) = data
+ exp_deg = euler_phi(M) * N^r
+ if torsion and N % 2 == 0:
+ exp_deg *= 2
+ return exp_deg / kummer_failure_from_total_table( M, N, data )
+# Given a set of generators for a finitely generated subgroup G of the
+# multiplicative group of Q, returns the degree of Q_{M,N} over Q.
+# M must be a multiple of N.
+def KummerDegree( G, M, N ):
+ if M % N != 0:
+ print "M is not a multiple of N"
+ return -1
+ data = total_kummer_failure(G,False)
+ ((r,torsion),(M0,divs_M0),(N0,divs_N0),FT) = data
+ exp_deg = euler_phi(M) * N^r
+ if torsion and N % 2 == 0:
+ exp_deg *= 2
+ j = divs_M0.index(gcd(M,M0))
+ i = divs_N0.index(gcd(N,N0))
+ if torsion:
+ if (M/N)%2 == 0:
+ failure = torsion_table_even( data )
+ else:
+ failure = torsion_table_odd( data )
+ else:
+ failure = FT
+ return exp_deg / failure[i][j]