
Various scripts for UNIX-like systems
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sfeed-browser (1980B)

      1 #!/bin/sh
      3 # This script is based on sfeed (, but
      4 # it allows you organize your feeds in directories and subdirectories.
      5 # In your $sfd directory (see below) you should have two folders:
      6 #	urls: it can contain more subfolders and files. Each file should contain
      7 #		only one line with the url to the feed. The name of the file is the
      8 #		name of the feed (it can contains spaces and such).
      9 #	files: this one can be empty, it will be filled with the feed files
     10 # An older version of this script also marked viewed items and removed
     11 # them before displaying the choice of feeds. Contact me if you are interested
     12 # in using it.
     14 # Requires: sfeed, dmenu-file-picker (or similar), open-url (or similar)
     16 # Usage: sfeed-browser [-m menu]
     18 filepicker="dmenu-filepicker" # Try "nnn -p -"
     19 menu="dmenu -l 35 -i"
     20 urlopener=open-url
     21 sfd="$HOME/box/sfeed"
     22 showlast=10
     24 usage() {
     25 	echo "sfeed-browser [-m MENU]"
     26 }
     28 while getopts "m:" opt; do
     29 	case "$opt" in
     30 		m)
     31 			menu="$OPTARG"
     32 			;;
     33 		*)
     34 			usage
     35 			exit 1
     36 			;;
     37 	esac
     38 done
     40 # Might add more stuff later
     41 fixurl() {
     42 	sed 's/old\.reddit\.com/reddit\.com/'
     43 }
     45 dirtofeedpaths() {
     46 	while read -r line; do
     47 		find "$line" | while read -r fname; do
     48 			[ -f "$fname" ] && echo "$fname"
     49 		done
     50 	done
     51 }
     53 pathstosfeedrc() {
     54 	printf 'sfeedpath="%s"\n\nfeeds() {\n' "$sfd/files"
     55 	while read -r line; do
     56 		feedname=$(echo "$line" | sed 's/.*\///')
     57 		read -r feedurl <"$line"
     58 		printf '\tfeed "%s" "%s"\n' "$feedname" "$feedurl"
     59 	done
     60 	printf "}\n"
     61 }
     63 feedmenu() {
     64 	while read -r line; do
     65 		feedname=$(echo "$line" | sed 's/.*\///')
     66 		sfeed_plain "$sfd/files/$feedname" | head -$showlast
     67 	done | $menu
     68 }
     70 openfeeds() {
     71 	while read -r line; do
     72 		url=$(echo "$line" | sed 's/.*[\t ]//' | fixurl)
     73 		[ -n "$url" ] && echo "$url"
     74 	done | xargs $urlopener
     75 }
     77 $filepicker "$@" "$sfd/urls" | dirtofeedpaths > "$sfd/last"
     78 pathstosfeedrc < "$sfd/last" > "$sfd/sfeedrc"
     79 sfeed_update "$sfd/sfeedrc"
     80 feedmenu < "$sfd/last" | openfeeds