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cubetypes.h (9175B)

      1 #ifndef CUBETYPES_H
      2 #define CUBETYPES_H
      4 #include <stdbool.h>
      5 #include <inttypes.h>
      6 #include <pthread.h>
      8 #define NMOVES               55 /* Actually 54, but one is NULLMOVE */
      9 #define NTRANS               48
     10 #define NROTATIONS           24
     11 #define entry_group_t        uint8_t /* For pruning tables */
     13 /* Enums *********************************************************************/
     15 typedef enum
     16 center
     17 {
     18 	U_center, D_center,
     19 	R_center, L_center,
     20 	F_center, B_center
     21 } Center;
     23 typedef enum
     24 corner
     25 {
     26 	UFR, UFL, UBL, UBR,
     27 	DFR, DFL, DBL, DBR
     28 } Corner;
     30 typedef enum
     31 edge
     32 {
     33 	UF, UL, UB, UR,
     34 	DF, DL, DB, DR,
     35 	FR, FL, BL, BR
     36 } Edge;
     38 typedef enum
     39 move
     40 {
     41 	NULLMOVE,
     42 	U, U2, U3, D, D2, D3,
     43 	R, R2, R3, L, L2, L3,
     44 	F, F2, F3, B, B2, B3,
     45 	Uw, Uw2, Uw3, Dw, Dw2, Dw3,
     46 	Rw, Rw2, Rw3, Lw, Lw2, Lw3,
     47 	Fw, Fw2, Fw3, Bw, Bw2, Bw3,
     48 	M, M2, M3,
     49 	S, S2, S3,
     50 	E, E2, E3,
     51 	x, x2, x3,
     52 	y, y2, y3,
     53 	z, z2, z3,
     54 } Move;
     56 typedef enum
     57 trans
     58 {
     59 	uf, ur, ub, ul,
     60 	df, dr, db, dl,
     61 	rf, rd, rb, ru,
     62 	lf, ld, lb, lu,
     63 	fu, fr, fd, fl,
     64 	bu, br, bd, bl,
     65 	uf_mirror, ur_mirror, ub_mirror, ul_mirror,
     66 	df_mirror, dr_mirror, db_mirror, dl_mirror,
     67 	rf_mirror, rd_mirror, rb_mirror, ru_mirror,
     68 	lf_mirror, ld_mirror, lb_mirror, lu_mirror,
     69 	fu_mirror, fr_mirror, fd_mirror, fl_mirror,
     70 	bu_mirror, br_mirror, bd_mirror, bl_mirror,
     71 } Trans;
     73 typedef enum
     74 niss_type
     75 {
     77 } NissType;
     80 /* Typedefs ******************************************************************/
     82 typedef struct alg                Alg;
     83 typedef struct alglist            AlgList;
     84 typedef struct alglistnode        AlgListNode;
     85 typedef struct block              Block;
     86 typedef struct command            Command;
     87 typedef struct commandargs        CommandArgs;
     88 typedef struct coordinate         Coordinate;
     89 typedef struct cube               Cube;
     90 typedef struct cubearray          CubeArray;
     91 typedef struct dfsarg             DfsArg;
     92 typedef struct estimatedata       EstimateData;
     93 typedef struct moveset            Moveset;
     94 typedef struct piecefilter        PieceFilter;
     95 typedef struct prunedata          PruneData;
     96 typedef struct solveoptions       SolveOptions;
     97 typedef struct step               Step;
     98 typedef struct symdata            SymData;
     99 typedef struct threaddatasolve    ThreadDataSolve;
    100 typedef struct threaddatagenpt    ThreadDataGenpt;
    102 typedef Cube                 (*AntiIndexer)      (uint64_t);
    103 typedef bool                 (*Checker)          (Cube);
    104 typedef uint64_t             (*CoordMover)       (Move, uint64_t);
    105 typedef uint64_t             (*CoordTransformer) (Trans, uint64_t);
    106 typedef int                  (*Estimator)        (DfsArg *);
    107 typedef bool                 (*Validator)        (Alg *);
    108 typedef void                 (*Exec)             (CommandArgs *);
    109 typedef uint64_t             (*Indexer)          (Cube);
    110 typedef CommandArgs *        (*ArgParser)        (int, char **);
    111 typedef int                  (*TransDetector)    (Cube, Trans *);
    112 typedef int                  (*TransFinder)      (uint64_t, Trans *);
    115 /* Structs *******************************************************************/
    117 struct
    118 alg
    119 {
    120 	Move *                    move;
    121 	bool *                    inv;
    122 	int                       len;
    123 	int                       allocated;
    124 };
    126 struct
    127 alglist
    128 {
    129 	AlgListNode *             first;
    130 	AlgListNode *             last;
    131 	int                       len;
    132 };
    134 struct
    135 alglistnode
    136 {
    137 	Alg *                     alg;
    138 	AlgListNode *             next;
    139 };
    141 struct
    142 block
    143 {
    144 	bool                      edge[12];
    145 	bool                      corner[8];
    146 	bool                      center[6];
    147 };
    149 struct
    150 command
    151 {
    152 	char *                    name;
    153 	char *                    usage;
    154 	char *                    description;
    155 	ArgParser                 parse_args;
    156 	Exec                      exec;
    157 };
    159 struct
    160 commandargs
    161 {
    162 	bool                      success;
    163 	Alg *                     scramble;
    164 	SolveOptions *            opts;
    165 	Step *                    step;
    166 	Command *                 command; /* For help */
    167 	int                       n;
    168 	char                      scrtype[20];
    169 	bool                      scrstdin;
    170 	bool                      header;
    171 	PruneData *               pd;
    172 };
    174 struct
    175 coordinate
    176 {
    177 	Indexer                   index;
    178 	uint64_t                  max;
    179 	CoordMover                move;
    180 	CoordTransformer          transform;
    181 	SymData *                 sd;
    182 	TransFinder               tfind; /* TODO: should be easy to remove */
    183 	Coordinate *              base; /* TODO: part of refactor */
    184 };
    186 struct
    187 cube
    188 {
    189 	int                       epose;
    190 	int                       eposs;
    191 	int                       eposm;
    192 	int                       eofb;
    193 	int                       eorl;
    194 	int                       eoud;
    195 	int                       cp;
    196 	int                       coud;
    197 	int                       cofb;
    198 	int                       corl;
    199 	int                       cpos;
    200 };
    202 struct
    203 cubearray
    204 {
    205 	int *                     ep;
    206 	int *                     eofb;
    207 	int *                     eorl;
    208 	int *                     eoud;
    209 	int *                     cp;
    210 	int *                     coud;
    211 	int *                     corl;
    212 	int *                     cofb;
    213 	int *                     cpos;
    214 };
    216 struct
    217 dfsarg
    218 {
    219 	Step *                    step;
    220 	SolveOptions *            opts;
    221 	Trans                     t;
    222 	Cube                      cube;
    223 	Cube                      inverse;
    224 	int                       d;
    225 	uint64_t                  badmoves;
    226 	uint64_t                  badmovesinv;
    227 	bool                      niss;
    228 	Move                      last1;
    229 	Move                      last2;
    230 	Move                      last1inv;
    231 	Move                      last2inv;
    232 	EstimateData *            ed;
    233 	AlgList *                 sols;
    234 	pthread_mutex_t *         sols_mutex;
    235 	Alg *                     current_alg;
    236 };
    238 struct
    239 estimatedata
    240 {
    241 	int                       corners;
    242 	int                       normal_ud;
    243 	int                       normal_fb;
    244 	int                       normal_rl;
    245 	int                       inverse_ud;
    246 	int                       inverse_fb;
    247 	int                       inverse_rl;
    248 	int                       oldret;
    249 };
    251 struct
    252 moveset
    253 {
    254 	bool                      (*allowed)(Move);
    255 	bool                      (*allowed_next)(Move, Move, Move);
    256 	Move                      sorted_moves[NMOVES+1];
    257 	uint64_t                  mask[NMOVES][NMOVES];
    258 };
    260 struct
    261 piecefilter
    262 {
    263 	bool                      epose;
    264 	bool                      eposs;
    265 	bool                      eposm;
    266 	bool                      eofb;
    267 	bool                      eorl;
    268 	bool                      eoud;
    269 	bool                      cp;
    270 	bool                      coud;
    271 	bool                      cofb;
    272 	bool                      corl;
    273 	bool                      cpos;
    274 };
    276 struct
    277 prunedata
    278 {
    279 	char *                    filename;
    280 	entry_group_t *           ptable;
    281 	bool                      generated;
    282 	uint64_t                  n;
    283 	Coordinate *              coord;
    284 	Moveset *                 moveset;
    285 	bool                      compact;
    286 	int                       base;
    287 	uint64_t                  count[16];
    288 	PruneData *               fallback;
    289 	uint64_t                  fbmod;
    290 };
    292 struct
    293 solveoptions
    294 {
    295 	int                       min_moves;
    296 	int                       max_moves;
    297 	int                       max_solutions;
    298 	int                       nthreads;
    299 	int                       optimal;
    300 	NissType                  nisstype;
    301 	bool                      verbose;
    302 	bool                      all;
    303 	bool                      print_number;
    304 	bool                      count_only;
    305 };
    307 struct
    308 step
    309 {
    310 	char *                    shortname;
    311 	char *                    name;
    312 	bool                      final;
    313 	Checker                   is_done;
    314 	Estimator                 estimate;
    315 	Checker                   ready;
    316 	char *                    ready_msg;
    317 	Validator                 is_valid;
    318 	Moveset *                 moveset;
    319 	Trans                     pre_trans;
    320 	TransDetector             detect;
    321 	int                       ntables;
    322 	PruneData *               tables[10];
    323 };
    325 struct
    326 symdata
    327 {
    328 	char *                    filename;
    329 	bool                      generated;
    330 	Coordinate *              coord;
    331 	Coordinate *              sym_coord;
    332 	int                       ntrans;
    333 	Trans *                   trans;
    334 	uint64_t *                class;
    335 	uint64_t *                unsym;
    336 	Trans *                   transtorep;
    337 	uint64_t *                selfsim;
    338 	CoordTransformer          transform; /* TODO: remove, use that of base coord */
    339 };
    341 struct
    342 threaddatasolve
    343 {
    344 	int                       thid;
    345 	Trans                     t;
    346 	Cube                      cube;
    347 	Step *                    step;
    348 	int                       depth;
    349 	SolveOptions *            opts;
    350 	AlgList *                 start;
    351 	AlgListNode **            node;
    352 	AlgList *                 sols;
    353 	pthread_mutex_t *         start_mutex;
    354 	pthread_mutex_t *         sols_mutex;
    355 };
    357 struct
    358 threaddatagenpt
    359 {
    360 	int                       thid;
    361 	int                       nthreads;
    362 	PruneData *               pd;
    363 	int                       d;
    364 	int                       nchunks;
    365 	pthread_mutex_t **        mutex;
    366 	pthread_mutex_t *         upmutex;
    367 };
    369 #endif