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X1-ComputationalComplexity.tex (16127B)

      1 \documentclass[11pt]{beamer}
      2 \usetheme{Madrid}
      3 \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
      4 \usepackage{amsmath}
      6 \usepackage{color}
      7 \usepackage{listings}
      8 \usepackage{mathtools}
      9 \usepackage{tikz-cd}
     10 \usepackage{adjustbox}
     12 \definecolor{myblue}{rgb}{0,0,0.5}
     13 \lstset{
     14 	language=Python,
     15 	tabsize=4,
     16 	basicstyle=\footnotesize,
     17 	keywordstyle=\bf\color{myblue},
     18 	commentstyle=\it\color{gray},
     19 	numbers=left,
     20 	numbersep=3pt,
     21 	numberstyle=\tiny\color{gray},
     22 }
     24 \author[\texttt{}]{Sebastiano Tronto}
     25 \title[Computational Complexity]%
     26 {Why is my code slow?}
     27 \logo{\includegraphics[scale=0.1]{img/unilu.jpg}} 
     28 %\institute{University of Luxembourg} 
     30 \date{2021-05-21} 
     32 \begin{document}
     34 \begin{frame}
     35   \titlepage
     36 \end{frame}
     38 \begin{frame}{Computational Complexity}
     39 	\begin{itemize}
     40 		\item \textbf{Goal:}
     41 		      estimate the running {\color{blue}time} of a program
     42 		\item \textbf{How:}
     43 		      count the {\color{blue}basic steps} that an
     44 		      {\color{blue}algorithm} takes to complete
     45 		\item \textbf{Why}:
     46 		      find the \emph{bottleneck} of your program, make it faster
     47 	\end{itemize}
     49 	\vspace{0.5cm}
     50 	Our analysis should not depend on the hardware
     51 \end{frame}
     53 \begin{frame}{Algorithm}
     54 	\begin{definition}
     55 		\emph{An algorithm is a sequence of {\color{blue}steps} needed to
     56 		solve a {\color{blue}class of problems}. }
     57 	\end{definition}
     59 	\begin{definition}[alternative]
     60 		\emph{An algorithm is a sequence of steps that takes
     61 		an input satisfying certain conditions and produces an output
     62 		satisfying other conditions.}
     63 	\end{definition}
     64 \end{frame}
     66 \begin{frame}{Sorting a list}
     67 	\begin{block}{Class of problems}
     68 		Sort a list $L$ of numbers in increasing order.
     69 	\end{block}
     71 	\begin{block}{Algorithm}
     72 		\begin{enumerate}
     73 			\item Let $S$ be an empty list.
     74 			\item Take an element from $L$ an insert it in $S$ in its correct
     75 			      position.
     76 			\item Repeat step $2$ until $L$ is empty.
     77 			\item Return $S$.
     78 		\end{enumerate}
     79 	\end{block}
     80 \end{frame}
     82 \begin{frame}{Sorting a list}
     83 \begin{itemize}
     84 	\item It solves a \emph{class} of problems: works for any list
     85   	\item The specific steps to sort the list $[3,7,1]$ are not an algorithm
     86 	\item Input conditions: must be a list of numbers
     87 	\item Output conditions: same numbers in increasing order
     88 \end{itemize}
     89 \end{frame}
     91 \begin{frame}{How to write an algorithm}
     92 	\begin{itemize}
     93 		\item \textbf{Human language}:
     94 			\begin{itemize}
     95 				\item Easy to understand
     96 				\item Not precise
     97 			\end{itemize}
     99 		\vspace{0.3cm}
    100 		\item \textbf{Computer code}:
    101 			\begin{itemize}
    102 				\item Can be executed by computers
    103 				\item Precise
    104 				\item From very low level (machine code) to high level
    105 		      (Python, \dots)
    106 		    \end{itemize}
    107 	\end{itemize}
    109 	%\vspace{0.5cm}
    110 	%To what \emph{level of detail}?
    111 \end{frame}
    113 \begin{frame}{Basic steps}
    114 	\begin{itemize}
    115 		%\item Strictly speaking, only CPU instructions are \emph{basic}
    116 		%\item In practice:%, we consider basic:
    117 		%	\begin{itemize}
    118 				\item Arithmetic operations $+,-,*,//,\%$
    119 				\item Relational operations $==, !=, >, <,\dots$
    120 				\item Memory access (read/write variable)
    121 		%	\end{itemize}
    122 	\end{itemize}
    124 	\vspace{0.5cm}
    125 	\textbf{Warning:}
    126 		Depends on data type (integer, floating point, string,\dots)
    127 	%\begin{itemize}
    128 	%	\item Depends on data type (integer, floating point, string,\dots)
    129 	%	\item There are non-basic instructions such as \texttt{sort()}
    130 	%\end{itemize}
    131 \end{frame}
    133 \begin{frame}{Running time}
    134 	\begin{itemize}
    135 		\item Depends on computer power, programming language, compiler\dots
    136 		%\item Not all basic steps are equal
    137 		\item ``Big O'' notation: an algorithm runs in time $O(f(n))$ if, when
    138 		      run with input of size $n$, it takes about $c\cdot f(n)$ steps
    139 		\item Algorithm A is \emph{asymptotically faster} than algorithm B if
    140 		      it is faster \textbf{for $n$ large enough}
    141 		\item Rule of thumb: $10^7\sim10^9$ basic steps per second
    142 	\end{itemize}
    143 \end{frame}
    145 \begin{frame}{Asymptotical analysis vs constant factors}
    146 	\includegraphics[scale=0.7]{img/plot1.png}
    147 \end{frame}
    149 \begin{frame}{Asymptotical analysis vs constant factors}
    150 	\includegraphics[scale=0.7]{img/plot2.png}
    151 \end{frame}
    153 \begin{frame}{Asymptotical analysis vs constant factors}
    154 	\includegraphics[scale=0.7]{img/plot3.png}
    155 \end{frame}
    157 \begin{frame}{Asymptotical analysis vs constant factors}
    158 	\includegraphics[scale=0.7]{img/plot4.png}
    159 \end{frame}
    161 \begin{frame}{Asymptotical analysis vs constant factors}
    162 	\includegraphics[scale=0.7]{img/plot5.png}
    163 \end{frame}
    165 %\begin{frame}{title}
    166 %graphs here, uncomment
    167 %\end{frame}
    169 \begin{frame}{Basic complexity analysis}
    171 	Easy things to do:
    173 	\vspace{0.3cm}
    174 	\begin{itemize}
    175 		\item Check documentation for ``non-basic steps''
    176 			\begin{itemize}
    177 				\item Example: check Sage's \href{\_standard/sage/rings/integer.html\\_prime}{\texttt{is\_prime()}} (redirects to PARI \href{\_functions.html\#se:isprime}{\texttt{isprime()}})
    178 			\end{itemize}
    180 	\vspace{0.3cm}
    181 		\item Count nested loops
    182 			\begin{itemize}
    183 				\item How many times is a step repeated?
    184 			\end{itemize}
    185 	\end{itemize}
    186 \end{frame}
    188 {\setbeamertemplate{logo}{}
    189 \begin{frame}[fragile]{Nested loops - matrix sum and product}
    190 \begin{lstlisting}
    191 def add(A, B):
    192 	n = len(A)
    193 	S = [[0] * n for i in range(n)]
    194 	for i in range(0, n):
    195 		for j in range(0, n):
    196 			S[i][j] = A[i][j] + B[i][j]
    197 	return S
    198 \end{lstlisting}
    200 \vspace{0.5cm}
    201 \begin{lstlisting}
    202 def prod(A, B):
    203 	n = len(A)
    204 	S = [[0] * n for i in range(n)]
    205 	for i in range(0, n):
    206 		for j in range(0, n):
    207 			for k in range(0, n):
    208 				S[i][j] = S[i][j] + A[i][k]*B[k][j]
    209 	return S
    210 \end{lstlisting}
    211 \end{frame}
    212 }
    214 \begin{frame}{Nested loops - matrix sum and product}
    215 	\begin{itemize}
    216 		\item \texttt{add} is $O(n^2)$ (two loops)
    217 		\item \texttt{prod} is $O(n^3)$ (three loops)
    218 	\end{itemize}
    220 	\vspace{0.3cm}
    221 	\textbf{Fun fact:} there are faster algorithms for matrix multiplication,
    222 	for example \href{}%
    223 	{Strassen's algorithm}.
    224 \end{frame}
    226 \begin{frame}[fragile]{Sorting a list}
    227 \begin{lstlisting}
    228 def correct_position(e, S):
    229 	for i in range(0, len(S)):
    230 		if S[i] > e:
    231 			return i
    232 	return len(S)
    234 def sort_list(L):
    235 	S = []
    236 	for e in L:
    237 		cp = correct_position(e, S)
    238 		S.insert(cp, e)
    239 	return S
    240 \end{lstlisting}
    241 \end{frame}
    243 \begin{frame}{Sorting a list}
    244 	\begin{itemize}
    245 		\item Complexity of \texttt{correct\_position()}:
    246 			\begin{itemize}
    247 				%\item best case $O(1)$
    248 				\item worst case $O($\texttt{len(S)}$)$
    249 				\item average $O($\texttt{len(S)}$)$
    250 			\end{itemize}
    252 		\vspace{0.3cm}
    253 		\item Complexity of \texttt{sort\_list} (here $n=$\texttt{len(L)}):
    254 			\begin{align*}
    255 				%\sum_{i=0}^{n-1} O(1) = O(n) && \text{best case}\\
    256 				\sum_{i=0}^{n-1} O(i) = O(n^2)% && \text{average/worst}
    257 			\end{align*}
    258 			(it calls \texttt{correct\_position()} $n$ times).
    259 	\end{itemize}
    260 \end{frame}
    262 \begin{frame}{Sorting a list}
    263 	\begin{itemize}
    264 		\item For which lists does the ``best case'' happen?
    265 		\item For which lists does the ``worst case'' happen?
    266 		\item How large can $n$ be for \texttt{sort\_list()} to run
    267 		      in under a second?
    268 	\end{itemize}
    269 \end{frame}
    271 \begin{frame}{Sorting a list}
    272 	How to improve our code?
    273 	\begin{itemize}
    274 		\item Improve \texttt{correct\_position()}
    275 		\item Take advantage of the fact that $S$ is always sorted
    276 	\end{itemize}
    277 \end{frame}
    279 \begin{frame}{Binary search}
    280 	\begin{block}{Algorithm}
    281 		\textbf{Input:} a \emph{sorted} list $S$ and a value $e$.
    282 		\begin{enumerate}
    283 			\item If the list is empty, you have found the position of $e$
    284 			\item Otherwise, compare $e$ to the middle element $m$ of $S$
    285 			\begin{itemize}
    286 				\item If $e<m$, repeat from (1) on the first half of $S$
    287 				\item Otherwise, repeat from (1) on the second half of $S$
    288 			\end{itemize}
    289 		\end{enumerate}
    290 	\end{block}
    291 \end{frame}
    293 \begin{frame}[fragile]{Binary search}
    294 \begin{lstlisting}
    295 # Return position of e in L
    296 def binary_search(e, S, start, end):
    297 	if start == end:
    298 		return start
    299 	midpoint = (end+start)//2
    300 	if e < S[midpoint]:
    301 		return binary_search(e, S, start, midpoint)
    302 	else:
    303 		return binary_search(e, S, midpoint+1, end)
    304 \end{lstlisting}
    305 \end{frame}
    307 \begin{frame}{Binary search - example 1}
    308 	Searching for \texttt{e}$=2$:
    309 	\begin{align*}
    310 	\only<1>{
    311 		\underbrace{
    312 			\overset{{\color{blue}
    313 				\substack{\mathclap{\texttt{start}=0}\\\downarrow}}}{-2}
    314 			\quad 0\quad 1\quad 3\quad 
    315 			\overset{\substack{\mathclap{\texttt{midpoint}=4}\\\downarrow}}{5}
    316 			\quad 6\quad 7\quad 9\quad 12
    317 		}\quad
    318 			\overset{{\color{red}
    319 				\substack{\mathclap{\texttt{end}=9}\\\downarrow}}}{\phantom{0}}
    320 	}
    321 	\only<2>{
    322 		\underbrace{
    323 			\overset{{\color{blue}
    324 				\substack{\mathclap{\texttt{start}=0}\\\downarrow}}}{-2}
    325 			\quad 0\quad
    326 			\overset{\substack{\mathclap{\texttt{midpoint}=2}\\\\\downarrow}}%
    327 				{1}
    328 			\quad 3
    329 		}\quad
    330 			\overset{{\color{red}
    331 				\substack{\mathclap{\texttt{end}=4}\\\downarrow}}}{5}
    332 		\quad 6\quad 7\quad 9\quad 12\quad \phantom{0}
    333 	}
    334 	\only<3>{
    335 		-2\quad 0\quad 1\quad
    336 		\underbrace{
    337 			\overset{
    338 				\substack{
    339 					\mathclap{
    340 						{\color{blue}\texttt{start}}=\texttt{midpoint}=3}\\\\
    341 							{\color{blue}\downarrow}
    342 				}
    343 			}{3}
    344 		} \quad
    345 		\overset{{\color{red}
    346 			\substack{\mathclap{\texttt{end}=4}\\\downarrow}}}{5}
    347 		\quad 6\quad 7\quad 9\quad 12\quad \phantom{0}
    348 	}
    349 	\only<4>{
    350 		-2\quad 0\quad 1\quad
    351 		\overset{
    352 			\substack{
    353 				\mathclap{
    354 					{\color{blue}\texttt{start}}=
    355 						{\color{red}\texttt{end}}=3}\\\downarrow}}{3} 
    356 		\quad 5 \quad 6\quad 7\quad 9\quad 12\quad \phantom{0}
    357 	}
    358 	\end{align*}
    359 	\only<1>{{\color{blue}$e<5$}$\implies$ check left half}
    360 	\only<2>{{\color{red}$e>1$}$\implies$ check right half}
    361 	\only<3>{{\color{blue}$e<3$}$\implies$ check left half}
    362 	\only<4>{\texttt{start}=\texttt{end}, done}
    363 \end{frame}
    365 \begin{frame}{Binary search - example 2}
    366 	Searching for \texttt{e}$=11$:
    367 	\begin{align*}
    368 	\only<1>{
    369 		\underbrace{
    370 			\overset{{\color{blue}
    371 				\substack{\mathclap{\texttt{start}=0}\\\downarrow}}}{-2}
    372 			\quad 0\quad 1\quad 3\quad 
    373 			\overset{\substack{\mathclap{\texttt{midpoint}=4}\\\downarrow}}{5}
    374 			\quad 6\quad 7\quad 9\quad 12
    375 		}\quad
    376 			\overset{{\color{red}
    377 				\substack{\mathclap{\texttt{end}=9}\\\downarrow}}}{\phantom{0}}
    378 	}
    379 	\only<2>{
    380 		-2 \quad 0\quad 1 \quad 3 \quad 5 \quad
    381 		\underbrace{
    382 			\overset{{\color{blue}
    383 				\substack{\mathclap{\texttt{start}=5}\\\downarrow}}}{6}
    384 			\quad 7 \quad
    385 			\overset{\substack{\mathclap{\texttt{midpoint}=7}\\\\\downarrow}}%
    386 				{9}
    387 			\quad 12
    388 		}\quad
    389 			\overset{{\color{red}
    390 				\substack{\mathclap{\texttt{end}=9}\\\downarrow}}}{\phantom{0}}
    391 	}
    392 	\only<3>{
    393 		-2\quad 0\quad 1\quad 3\quad 5\quad 6\quad 7\quad 9\quad
    394 		\underbrace{
    395 			\overset{
    396 				\substack{
    397 					\mathclap{
    398 						{\color{blue}\texttt{start}}=\texttt{midpoint}=8}\\\\
    399 							{\color{blue}\downarrow}
    400 				}
    401 			}{12}
    402 		} \quad
    403 		\overset{{\color{red}
    404 			\substack{\mathclap{\texttt{end}=9}\\\downarrow}}}{\phantom{0}}
    405 	}
    406 	\only<4>{
    407 		-2\quad 0\quad 1\quad 3\quad 5\quad 6\quad 7\quad 9\quad
    408 		\overset{
    409 			\substack{
    410 				\mathclap{
    411 					{\color{blue}\texttt{start}}=
    412 						{\color{red}\texttt{end}}=8}\\\downarrow}}{12} 
    413 	}
    414 	\end{align*}
    415 	\only<1>{{\color{red}$e>5$}$\implies$ check right half}
    416 	\only<2>{{\color{red}$e>9$}$\implies$ check right half}
    417 	\only<3>{{\color{blue}$e<11$}$\implies$ check left half}
    418 	\only<4>{\texttt{start}=\texttt{end}, done}
    419 \end{frame}
    421 \begin{frame}{Binary search}
    422 	\begin{itemize}
    423 		\item Works only if the list is sorted
    424 		\item Complexity $O(\log_2(n))$: at every step we cut the list in half
    425 		\item Recursive, \emph{divide et impera}
    426 	\end{itemize}
    427 \end{frame}
    429 \begin{frame}[fragile]{Sorting a list - binary search version}
    430 \begin{lstlisting}
    431 def sort_list(L):
    432 	S = []
    433 	for e in L:
    434 		cp = binary_search(e, S, 0, len(S)) # This changed
    435 		S.insert(cp, e)
    436 	return S
    437 \end{lstlisting}
    438 	\vspace{0.3cm}
    439 	\begin{itemize}
    440 		\item Complexity: \[\sum_{i=0}^{n-1} O(\log_2(i)) = O(n\log_2(n))\]\\
    441 			(it calls \texttt{binary\_search} $n$ times).
    442 	\end{itemize}
    443 \end{frame}
    445 \begin{frame}{Fast exponentiation}
    446 	\begin{block}{Algorithm / formula}
    447 		\begin{align*}
    448 			a^n=
    449 			\begin{cases}
    450 				1                     & \text{if }n=0,\\
    451 				(a\cdot a)^{\frac n2} & \text{if $n$ is even},\\
    452 				a\cdot a^{n-1}        & \text{if $n$ is odd.}
    453 			\end{cases}
    454 		\end{align*}
    455 	\end{block}
    456 \end{frame}
    458 \begin{frame}[fragile]{Fast exponentiation}
    459 \begin{lstlisting}
    460 # Compute a^n (n>=0 integer)
    461 def power(a, n):
    462 	if n == 0:
    463 		return 1
    464 	if n % 2 == 0:     # n is even
    465 		return power(a*a, n//2)
    466 	else:              # n is odd
    467 		return a*power(a, n-1)
    468 \end{lstlisting}
    469 \end{frame}
    471 \begin{frame}{Fast exponentiation}
    473   \begin{itemize}
    474     \item Complexity: $O(\log_2(n))$ (after $2$ steps, $n$ is halved)
    475     \item Python's operator $**$ does something similar
    476     \item Naive algorithm (one loop): $O(n)$
    477   \end{itemize}
    478 \end{frame}
    481 \begin{frame}[fragile]{Fast $\gcd$}
    482 	\begin{block}{Algorithm / formula}
    483 		\begin{align*}
    484 			\gcd(a,b) =
    485 			\begin{cases}
    486 				a                     & \text{if }b=0,\\
    487 				\gcd(b,a\bmod b)      & \text{otherwise.}
    488 			\end{cases}
    489 		\end{align*}
    490 	\end{block}
    492 \begin{columns}
    493 \column{0.5\textwidth}
    494 \begin{lstlisting}
    495 def gcd(a, b):
    496 	if b == 0:
    497 		return a
    498 	else:
    499 		return gcd(b, a%b)
    500 \end{lstlisting}
    502 \column{0.5\textwidth}
    503 \begin{itemize}
    504 	\item After $2$ steps, $a$ is halved $\implies$ complexity $O(\log_2(a))$
    505 \end{itemize}
    506 \end{columns}
    507 \end{frame}
    509 \begin{frame}{Recursion}
    510 	\begin{itemize}
    511 		\item These examples use \emph{recursion}
    512 		      (a function that calls itself)
    513 		\item If it calls itself more than once, it is slow
    514 		      (\emph{exponential} complexity!)
    515 	\end{itemize}
    516 \end{frame}
    518 \begin{frame}[fragile]{Fibonacci numbers}
    520 	\begin{block}{Algorithm / formula}
    521 		\begin{align*}
    522 			F(n) =
    523 			\begin{cases}
    524 				n                     & \text{if }n\leq1,\\
    525 				F(n-1)+F(n-2)         & \text{otherwise.}
    526 			\end{cases}
    527 		\end{align*}
    528 	\end{block}
    530 \vspace{0.5cm}
    531 \begin{lstlisting}
    532 def F(n):
    533 	if n <= 1:
    534 		return n
    535 	else:
    536 		return F(n-1) + F(n-2)
    537 \end{lstlisting}
    538 \end{frame}
    540 \begin{frame}[fragile]{Fibonacci}
    541 	\begin{adjustbox}{scale={0.85}{0.9},center}
    542 	\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=1mm]
    543 		& & & & & & & & F(5) \ar[drrr] \ar[dlll]\\
    544 		& & & & & F(4)\ar[dll]\ar[dr] & & & & & & F(3) \ar[dl] \ar[dr]\\
    545 		& & & F(3) \ar[dl]\ar[dr] & & & F(2) \ar[dr]\ar[dl]
    546 			& & & & F(2) \ar[dl]\ar[dr] & & F(1) \\
    547 		& & F(2) \ar[dl]\ar[dr] & & F(1) & F(1) & & F(0) & & F(1) & & F(0)\\
    548 		& F(1) & & F(0)
    549 	\end{tikzcd}
    550 	\end{adjustbox}
    551 \end{frame}
    553 \begin{frame}{Fibonacci}
    554 	\begin{itemize}
    555 		\item Complexity: almost $O(2^n)$ (actually $O(\varphi^n)$
    556 		      with $\varphi=\frac{1+\sqrt 5}{2}\sim 1.6$)
    557 		\item But some values are computed many times!
    558 		\item Optimization: memorize previously computed values
    559 	\end{itemize}
    560 \end{frame}
    562 \begin{frame}[fragile]{Fibonacci with memorization}
    563 \begin{lstlisting}
    564 # List with memorized values, N is the largest possible
    565 N = 10**6
    566 F_memorized = [-1] * N
    568 def F(n):
    569 	if F_memorized[n] == -1:
    570 		if n <= 1:
    571 			F_memorized[n] = n
    572 		else:
    573 			F_memorized[n] = F(n-1) + F(n-2)
    575 	return F_memorized[n]
    576 \end{lstlisting}
    577 \end{frame}
    579 \begin{frame}[fragile]{Fibonacci with memorization}
    580 	\begin{adjustbox}{scale={0.85}{0.9},center}
    581 	\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=1mm]
    582 		& & & & & & & & F(5) \ar[drrr] \ar[dlll]\\
    583 		& & & & & F(4)\ar[dll]\ar[dr] & & & & & & {\color{blue}F(3)}\\
    584 		& & & F(3) \ar[dl]\ar[dr] & & & {\color{blue}F(2)}\\
    585 		& & F(2) \ar[dl]\ar[dr] & & {\color{blue}F(1)} \\
    586 		& F(1) & & F(0)
    587 	\end{tikzcd}
    588 	\end{adjustbox}
    589 \end{frame}
    591 \begin{frame}{Fibonacci with memorization}
    592 	\begin{itemize}
    593 		\item Complexity: $O(n)$, huge improvement!
    594 		\item Further improvement (but still $O(n)$): dynamic programming
    595 		\item Pay attention to memory usage
    596 	\end{itemize}
    597 \end{frame}
    599 \begin{frame}{References}
    600 	\begin{itemize}
    601 	\item Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and
    602 		Clifford Stein - 
    603 		\href{\_to\_Algorithms}%
    604 		{\emph{Introductions to Algorithms}}
    605 	\end{itemize}
    606 \end{frame}
    608 \end{document}