live.tex (3048B)
1 \documentclass[10pt,a4paper]{article} 2 \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} 3 \usepackage{amsmath} 4 \usepackage{amsfonts} 5 \usepackage{amssymb} 6 \usepackage{amsthm} 7 \usepackage[left=2cm,right=2cm,top=2cm,bottom=2cm]{geometry} 8 9 \usepackage{enumitem} 10 \title{Latex Example Live} 11 \author{Sebastiano Tronto} 12 \date{20-02-2021} 13 14 \newcommand{\reals}{\mathbb{R}} 15 \DeclareMathOperator{\sinus}{sinus} 16 17 18 \newtheorem{mythm}{My Theorem}[section] 19 20 \theoremstyle{definition} 21 \newtheorem{prop}[mythm]{Proposition} 22 23 \theoremstyle{remark} 24 \newtheorem*{warning}{Achtung} 25 26 27 28 29 \begin{document} 30 31 \maketitle 32 33 \section{Introduction} 34 35 Hello, world! 36 37 This is a comment 38 39 \section{Text} 40 41 \textbf{This sentence is in boldface} 42 43 \underline{\textit{italicized} maybe in a sentence \textbf{something}} 44 45 \underline{\textit{one inside the other}} 46 47 \emph{also italicized???} 48 49 This is an important sentence, maybe a quote or something, and this \emph{word} is very important. Let's make this sentence longer than one line. 50 51 {\Huge Large words} 52 53 %\appendix 54 55 \section{Math mode} 56 57 This is an inline formula \( \sum_i \frac{i}{22} \), it appears within the text 58 59 This is a displaystyle formula \[ \sum_{\alpha=0}^{2^{10}} \frac2 \alpha{22} \] it appears on its own line 60 61 How sqrt works: \( \sqrt[\phi]{25} \) 62 63 64 65 \begin{align} 66 \label{eq} 67 e^x &= \left(\sum_{i=0}^\infty \frac{x^i}{i!} \right) = \\ 68 &= \left( 1 + x + \frac{x^2}2 \right)+ \frac{x^3}{6} + \cdots \nonumber 69 \end{align} 70 71 \[ 72 \left\{ x \in \reals \quad \text{such that} \quad \frac{ \sinus(x)}{x^2}>0 \right\}\reals 73 \] 74 75 \[ \sum_i \] 76 77 The first equation we wrote is \eqref{eq} 78 79 \section{Environments} 80 81 \subsection{Lists} 82 \label{subsectionLists} 83 84 \begin{itemize} 85 \item One \textbf{item} 86 \item Another \(2+2=4\) 87 \item a third one \[\sum_{i=0}^n\] 88 \item A sublist: 89 \begin{itemize} 90 \item[+] First subitem 91 \item[+] and so on 92 \end{itemize} 93 \item Again in the main list 94 \end{itemize} 95 96 \begin{enumerate}[label=\Roman*] 97 \item One 98 \item Two 99 \item Actually three 100 \item Three (or not) 101 \end{enumerate} 102 103 \subsection*{Tables} 104 105 Let's write a table: 106 107 \vspace{1cm} 108 \begin{tabular}{r||l|c} 109 \hline 110 This is a table & second column & third column \\ 111 \hline 112 Things & a & \( 2+2 = 4 \)\\ 113 \hline 114 more things & b & c 115 \end{tabular} 116 117 \vspace{1cm} 118 \[ 119 \left(\begin{array}{cc} 120 \int_0^1 e^x & \frac{2}{25} \\ 121 0 & 0 \\ 122 1111 & 234\alpha 123 \end{array}\right) 124 \] 125 126 \[ 127 \begin{pmatrix} 128 \int_0^1 e^x & \frac{2}{25} \\ 129 0 & 0 \\ 130 1111 & 234\alpha 131 \end{pmatrix} 132 \] 133 134 \[ 135 \begin{pmatrix} 136 1 & 2\\ 137 3 & 4 138 \end{pmatrix} 139 \overset{L2\rightarrow L2+L3}\longrightarrow 140 \begin{pmatrix} 141 1 & 2\\ 142 4 & 6 143 \end{pmatrix} 144 \] 145 146 \section{Last section} 147 148 In section \ref{subsectionLists} we saw how to write lists 149 150 \begin{mythm}[Gauss] 151 The equation \(2+x=4\) is true for \(x=2\). 152 \end{mythm} 153 154 \begin{prop} 155 A less important fact 156 \end{prop} 157 158 \setcounter{mythm}{\arabic{mythm}+100} 159 \begin{mythm} 160 Another important fact. 161 \end{mythm} 162 163 \begin{warning} 164 It is a common mistake to think that \(2+2=5\) 165 \end{warning} 166 \[\binom45\] 167 168 \end{document}