
A small collection of mathematical functions for bc(1)
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bc.library (4292B)

      1 /*
      2  * The content of this file is free knowledge.
      3  * No copyright applies. No warranty is provided.
      4  *
      5  * The following functions are available (aliases in parentheses):
      6  * General utility: max, min, sgn, abs, floor, ceiling
      7  * Arithmetic: factorial(fact), binomial(binom, bin), gcd, lcm, totient(phi)
      8  * Calculus: exp, log(ln), pow, root, sin, cos, tan, cosh, sinh, tanh
      9  *           atan, atan2, asin, acos, atanh, asinh, acosh
     10  * Constants (as functions): e(), pi()
     11  *
     12  * Approximation of inverse trigonometric functions and of pi is not good.
     13  *
     14  * For functions returning non-integer values, remember to set the
     15  * desired scaled value before calling the function.
     16  */
     18 /* General utility functions */
     20 define max(x, y) {
     21 	if (x >= y) return x
     22 	return y
     23 }
     25 define min(x, y) {
     26 	if (x <= y) return x
     27 	return y
     28 }
     30 define sgn(c) {
     31 	if (x > 0) return 1
     32 	if (x < 0) return -1
     33 	return 0
     34 }
     36 define abs(x) {
     37 	return x * sgn(x)
     38 }
     40 define floor(x) {
     41 	auto s, y
     42 	if (x < 0) return -ceiling(-x)
     43 	s = scale
     44 	scale = 0
     45 	y = x / 1
     46 	scale = s
     47 	return y
     48 }
     50 define ceiling(x) {
     51 	if (x < 0) return -floor(-x)
     52 	if (floor(x) == x) return x
     53 	return 1 + floor(x)
     54 }
     56 /* Arithmetic */
     58 define factorial(n) {
     59 	auto i, res, s
     60 	s = scale
     61 	scale = 0
     62 	res = 1
     63 	for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) res *= i
     64 	scale = s
     65 	return res
     66 }
     68 define fact(n) {
     69 	return factorial(n)
     70 }
     72 define binomial(n, k) {
     73 	auto i, j, told[], tnew[], s
     74 	if (k < 0) return -1
     75 	if (k > n) return 0
     76 	s = scale
     77 	scale = 0
     78 	tnew[0] = 1
     79 	for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
     80 		for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) told[j] = tnew[j]
     81 		for (j = 1; j <= i; j++) tnew[j] = told[j] + told[j-1]
     82 	}
     83 	scale = s
     84 	return tnew[k]
     85 }
     87 define binom(n, k) {
     88 	return binomial(n, k)
     89 }
     91 define bin(n, k) {
     92 	return binomial(n, k)
     93 }
     95 define gcd(a, b) {
     96 	auto s, aux
     97 	s = scale
     98 	scale = 0
     99 	a /= 1
    100 	b /= 1
    101 	while (b != 0) {
    102 		aux = a
    103 		a = b
    104 		b = aux % b
    105 	}
    106 	scale = s
    107 	return a
    108 }
    110 define lcm(a, b) {
    111 	if (a == 0 || b == 0) return 0
    112 	return a * b / gcd(a, b)
    113 }
    115 define phi(n) {
    116 	auto i, j, f[], r, s
    117 	s = scale
    118 	scale = 0
    119 	j = 0
    120 	r = n
    121 	for (i = 2; i*i <= r; i++) {
    122 		if (n % i == 0) {
    123 			f[j] = i
    124 			j += 1
    125 			while (n % i == 0) n /= i
    126 		}
    127 	}
    128 	for (i = 0; i < j; i++) r -= r / f[i]
    129 	scale = s
    130 	return r
    131 }
    133 define totient(n) {
    134 	return phi(n)
    135 }
    137 /* Calculus */
    139 define exp(x) {
    140 	auto i, n, d, series
    141 	scale += 10
    142 	i = 0
    143 	n = 1
    144 	d = 1
    145 	series = 0
    146 	while (n/d != 0) {
    147 		series += n/d
    148 		i += 1
    149 		n *= x
    150 		d *= i
    151 	}
    152 	scale -= 10
    153 	return series / 1
    154 }
    156 define e() {
    157 	return exp(1)
    158 }
    160 /* Log: first take some square roots to make x smaller, then
    161         use Newton's method to solve e^y-x=0 */
    162 define log(x) {
    163 	auto m, s, t, n, d
    164 	scale += 10
    165 	while (x > 3) {
    166 		m += 1
    167 		x = sqrt(x)
    168 	}
    169 	t = x
    170 	d = exp(t)
    171 	n = d - x
    172 	while (n/d != 0) {
    173 		t -= n/d
    174 		d = exp(t)
    175 		n = d - x
    176 	}
    177 	scale -= 10
    178 	return (t * 2^m) / 1
    179 }
    181 define ln(x) {
    182 	return log(x)
    183 }
    185 define pow(a, b) {
    186 	if (b != floor(b)) return (2^floor(b)) * exp(log(a)*(b-floor(b)))
    187 	return a ^ b
    188 }
    190 define root(a, b) {
    191 	auto res
    192 	scale += 5
    193 	res = pow(b, 1/a)
    194 	scale -= 5
    195 	return res / 1
    196 }
    198 define trig(x, ii, in, id) {
    199 	auto i, n, d, series
    200 	scale += 10
    201 	i = ii
    202 	n = in
    203 	d = id
    204 	while (n/d != 0) {
    205 		series += n/d
    206 		i += 2
    207 		n *= -x*x
    208 		d *= i*(i-1)
    209 	}
    210 	scale -= 10
    211 	return series / 1
    212 }
    214 define sin(x) {
    215 	return trig(x, 1, x, 1)
    216 }
    218 define cos(x) {
    219 	return trig(x, 0, 1, 1)
    220 }
    222 define tan(x) {
    223 	return sin(x) / cos(x)
    224 }
    226 define sinh(x) {
    227 	return 0.5*(exp(x) - exp(-x))
    228 }
    230 define cosh(x) {
    231 	return 0.5*(exp(x) + exp(-x))
    232 }
    234 define tanh(x) {
    235 	return sinh(x) / cosh(x)
    236 }
    238 /* Atan: approximate integral of 1/(1+x^2) */
    239 define atan(x) {
    240 	auto i, n, f1, f2, a, res, s
    241 	s = scale
    242 	scale = 10
    243 	n = 10^4
    244 	res = 0
    245 	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    246 		f1 = 1 + (x*i/n)^2
    247 		f2 = 1 + (x*(i+1)/n)^2
    248 		a = (f1 + f2) / (2 * f1 * f2)
    249 		res += a * x / n
    250 	}
    251 	scale = s
    252 	return res/1
    253 }
    255 define pi() {
    256 	return 4 * atan(1)
    257 }
    259 define atan2(y, x) {
    260 	if (x > 0) return atan(y/x)
    261 	if (x < 0 && y >= 0) return atan(y/x) + pi()
    262 	if (x < 0 && y < 0) return atan(y/x) - pi()
    263 	if (x == 0 && y > 0) return pi() / 2
    264 	return -pi() / 2
    265 }
    267 define asin(x) {
    268 	return atan2(x, sqrt((1+x)*(1-x)))
    269 }
    271 define acos(x) {
    272 	return atan2(sqrt((1+x)*(1-x)), x)
    273 }
    275 define atanh(x) {
    276 	return 0.5 * log((1+x)/(1-x))
    277 }
    279 define asinh(x) {
    280 	return log(x + sqrt(x^2 + 1))
    281 }
    283 define acosh(x) {
    284 	return log(x + sqrt(x^2 - 1))
    285 }